Lars Schor

Stream Product Lead



Lars joined UBS September 2022. As a Stream Product Lead, he identifies opportunities to create shared re-use of products and looking for broader opportunities to commercialize and expand the customer value from  product offerings. Previously he held various roles at McKinsey, most recently as an Associate Partner. He mainly focused on supporting companies on their journey to the digital age, including digitizing the customer journeys (both B2C and B2B), introducing Agile operating models and designing IT strategies for the digital age.

Talk - Modern Product Management: From Old School to New School

What is the role of modern product management in the transformation towards an outcome driven organization? Can it be the catalyst for a paradigm shift? What is the role of agility? We will delve into what modern product management looks like, which fundamental shifts you need to be aware of and how UBS drives product centric mindsets within their agile delivery organization. All for one cause: to develop new digital banking solutions that are both relevant and impactful, driving growth and competitive advantage.